The Century Van Lines team recently participated in a golfing event hosted to raise awareness about the plight of children’s cancer and Noah’s Bandage Project. The event raised awareness and over $43,000 for the project whose mission is to end childhood cancer.
When he was only 6 years old, Noah Wilson was diagnosed with cancer. During treatments, he was poked with needles almost daily, and the site of the stick was covered in a boring, brown bandage. Noah saw an opportunity, so he started collecting some cool bandages for the other children in treatment with him. To Noah, these bandages were much more than just a wound cover, but a badge of courage.
During his illness, Noah also learned that only 4% of the U.S. national cancer research funding goes toward childhood cancer. Noah passed away in June 2015, but the donations to his project become grants for pediatric cancer research.
At Century Van Lines, we’re about more than providing moving services. We are driven by a set of core values that cause us to view our business as not just an enterprise for making money, but an engine for doing good in our community. When we recently participated in the Noah’s Bandage Project fundraiser, the Century Van Lines team realized we needed to do more than participate – we wanted to get involved.
Century Van Lines announces Noah’s November, during which we will donate 10% of our November local moving revenue to Noah’s Bandage Project. Those who choose Century Van Lines during November will not just simplify their local move, they’ll join the fight to wipe out childhood cancer!
To make the biggest impact we can during Noah’s November, we’re partnering with the most connected and talented people in Kansas City; our local real-estate agents, brokers, loan-officers, title-companies and executives to develop a giving pipeline that truly makes a difference. If Noah’s November is successful, we may grow our effort into a quarterly or yearly giving effort.
How You Can Help
To participate it is simple, and you don’t have to move to help. Just contact us and we’ll tell you how you can get involved. If you have any moving needs or your clients have any moving or relocation needs, simply contact Century Van Lines and use the code NOAH. This will ensure we capture the event as a NOAH MOVE and we’ll contribute 10% of the revenue to the NOAH BANDAGE PROJECT. We will also send a list to the PROJECT of those who participated. Together, we can wipe out childhood cancer
Please embrace the effort and get the word out for NOAH’s NOVEMBER and do not hesitate to contact us directly for more information.
Photo Credit: Cate Eighmey Photography